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Site Convent Refurbishment

  Penafirme Convent has marvelous historical and cultural nature. The surrounding scenery emphasiz- es the solitude of the Monastery gives a clue that leads to the relevance between loneliness and time. Therefore, in this project, time is vastly associated with meditating and spiritual enlightenment. The historical presence of the monastery enhances con- cept of time, an everchanging space is created by the influence of the natural events, topography, and cli- mate. In this scenario, sand acts as a medium for the past, present, and future of the Penafirme Convent.







600 sq.m

​AUG 2021

  As time goes by, the sands infiltrate the monastery, changing the form, topography covers, and unveiling the volume. The new additions, forms the existing topography, creating the memory chambers, cells, and cloister. Each space comes together under the roof structure, interacting but never merging into one space respecting the solitude of the Penafirme Con- vent. In each space, isolation to meditate and remi- niscence can be found.

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